Version 0.8.5
- fix occaasional crash due to passing stack-allocated string to async function
- refreshing re-invites we send should use the same Contact header as initial INVITE
- proper handling of SUBSCRIBE requests (issue #130)
- add Session-Expires header to 200 OK response if INVITE requested session timers (issue #126)
- NOTIFY with subscription-state terminated should not clear an invite dialog (issue #125)
- update to sofia-sip with fix for not overwriting Contact header when host is a DNS name
- proper handling of Record-Route header in response on UAC leg as B2B (issue #122)
- incoming invite with tel: scheme causes crash
- UAS: when incoming INVITE has been canceled, prevent app from sending another final response (issue #120)
Version 0.8.4
- fix travis osx build
- add support for specifying number of log files to keep
- bugfix: crash sending ACK to target with dns name that needs to be resolved (110)
- bugfix - crash when RR header in 200 OK response has dns name (#110)
- add tests for handling reinvite with null sdp and invoking fnAck
- add dialogid to msgs back to app when sending a response within a dialog
- pass ip address:port new incoming request was received on to client applications
- bugfix: address to bind to for client connections was being ignored (#103)
- add support for adding headers to CANCEL request
- add support for tcp keepalive
- return 491 Request Pending if we receive a re-INVITE while still processing a previous INVITE transaction
- travis change to build node 10.x for tests
- temp revert nta_outgoing_destroy due to crash (#76)